Why Duterte's message of 'care and power' attracts
Duterte's advantage over his rivals with political machinery lies in his 'emotionally-attached' supporters, say analysts
Post by: www.rappler.com
Pia Ranada @piaranada
Published 7:30 PM, April 26, 2016
Updated 7:30 PM, April 26, 2016
CRAZY CROWDS. Lipa residents mob Duterte as he makes a courtesy call to the city mayor. Photo by Alecs Ongcal/Rappler
MANILA, Philippines – Rodrigo Duterte’s supporters seem to be everywhere.
It could be one of your officemates passionately explaining Rodrigo Duterte’s platform, a high school classmate who constantly posts Duterte quotes or memes, a taxi driver proudly sporting a Duterte baller, or even your doctor making a heartfelt defense of Duterte’s latest controversial remark while you wait in his clinic.
Duterte’s supporters are outspoken, both online and offline. Online data shows they are the most engaged on social media, making Duterte’s name trend on Twitter, voting for him diligently in online surveys.
The Davao City mayor has supporters from all social classes: from market vendors who label their fruits and vegetables with his name to businessmen who transform their SUVs to shiny Duterte posters on wheels.
JAM-PACKED. A sea of supporters show up in Bacolod for Duterte's rally on April 18, 2016. Photo from Rody Duterte Facebook page
But you ain’t seen nothing yet until you attend his rallies. Jam-packed football fields and plazas. Filled-to-the-brim auditoriums and covered courts. Many of these crowds, sometimes numbering tens of thousands, are not given food or drink by organizers.
Most wait 6 hours or more for Duterte to arrive. I talked to a mother who was in the venue by 8 am. Duterte, perenially late, showed up at 6 pm.
Was she angry to be waiting? No. It would all be worth it to catch a glimpse of Duterte, she said. True enough, the crowds are almost hysterical when he arrives. I’ve seen women cry at the sight of him or jump over barriers and shove away his bodyguards to kiss him on the cheek.
Once, a sea of supporters in Batangas broke the glass door of the Lipa mayor’s office in their determination to follow Duterte.
Political analysts say this is Duterte’s secret weapon: his emotionally-attached base of supporters.
“Duterte’s advantage is that he has emotionally-attached supporters. Supporters of other candidates choose by rational calculation but Duterte’s supporters give their whole heart and soul,” said UP political analyst Aries Arugay.
This emotional attachment could be one reason why a sizable chunk of Duterte’s support base are voluntary campaigners, not paid campaigners or “hakot.”
Arugay calls it a “grassroots” movement and even suspects that this level of volunteerism for a candidate can beat traditional political machinery when it comes to safeguarding votes. (READ: Over 600,000 OFWs mobilizing for Duterte campaign)
“It could trump machinery. The machinery is paid. People work for the machinery because they are hired. In Duterte’s case, it’s volunteerism,” Arugay told Rappler.
His message of 'care'
So why the emotional attachment?
Ateneo de Manila University sociologist Jayeel Cornelio credits Duterte’s cross-cutting appeal to people’s perception of him as a “savior.” This perception comes from Duterte’s dual message of “care and power,” says Cornelio.
Those from lower economic classes are particularly swayed by the way he projects himself as a caring leader.
Foundational to this message is people’s perception of him as an “authentic” leader.(READ: Can Rodrigo Duterte win by being himself?)
“Duterte’s appeal lies in that he presents himself as an authentic person. Even if he curses, people perceive that as ‘nagpapakatotoo lang siya’ (he is just being true to himself),” said Cornelio.
His gutter language, his crass jokes, his constant reminders that he is an "ordinary person", even his flirting with local women reinforce the perception that he is “from the people, for the people.”
The poor are more likely to have an “emotional affinity with a man who is one of the people,” says Cornelio.
In this sense, the emotional vote is not necessarily an irrational vote, says Cornelio. It’s still a calculated decision to support someone who cares for you, who seems to have your best interests at heart.
Contrast Duterte with administration bet Manuel “Mar” Roxas II.
Roxas is likely not less sincere in his intention to serve the country, but what matters is how the less privileged perceive him.
The US-educated former secretary with a famous surname is very careful with his words and often speaks the “language of technocracy” which can be cold and alienating to poor Filipinos.
“If he was applying as CEO, he would get the job. But the president is also head of state. He carries with him a very symbolic role,” says Cornelio.
Roxas’ attributes do not necessarily match with attributes most important to a Filipino voter which Cornelio listed down as, “concern for the poor, having principled stance, and personal integrity.”
It doesn’t help that Roxas is heavily associated with the Aquino administration, an administration that is more and more perceived as being “cold and distant.”
President Benigno Aquino III has been “missing in action” in some of the biggest crises of his 6 years in power like the Manila hostage-taking, Mamasapano massacre, and Kidapawan protest, said Cornelio.
“The Aquino administration is not known for empathy,” he added.
Compare this to how Duterte supporters promote his image.
They post old photos of Duterte wading shin-deep in a flood as he assists in disaster response efforts, they tell stories of how Duterte offered himself as a hostage in a prison riot, they share every moment he facilitated the release of hostages from New People’s Army rebels.